Click on any of the rectangles on the map to find out what raster files are available for that quadrangle. If you're not sure which quad you want, you can use the NYS Department of Transportation's Quadrangle Index Maps (PDF format) to identify the quad by name. Then go to the Index by Quad Name to access the quad. The quadrangle index coverage, a zipped Arc/Info export file, may also be downloaded.
Please be aware that many of the images available are very large and may take some time to download, particularly if you are accessing the Web via a modem.
List by quad name | List by DOT code | List by USGS code | NYSDOT Quadrangle Index Maps
These files duplicate in digital form the map image that appears on the corresponding printed 1:24,000 scale map. The files are raster images composed of pixels, and are not vectorized for use as intelligent GIS layers. However, they are well suited for use as a backdrop to other GIS layers where they can be positionally registered with vector files and provide additional visual information or be used for on-screen, "heads-up" digitizing, as well as general display and plotting of the map image. The files may be used with a variety of UNIX and PC-based graphics, CAD, and GIS software packages.
If you will be downloading multiple files, check out our Software and Tools page, under "Other Software," for information on a download manager.
Also available: 1:100,000 Quadrangles | 1:250,000 Quadrangles
NYSDOT Quadrangle Index | Browse by County | Browse by Subject
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